How to form sentences in Japanese

learn now to how to form sentences in japanese!

form sentences in japanese it is a simple process on the practical side, but complex on the grammatical side. This requires basic vocabulary and minimal knowledge of Japanese grammar.

How to form sentences in Japanese

How to form sentences in JapaneseAs many Japanese Language readers email me with questions about how to create Japanese sentences, I thought it would be interesting to write an article on this topic, showing the steps necessary to start forming your own Japanese sentences.

Before forming Japanese sentences

Before starting to form your own Japanese sentences, I would like to share some tips that can help in avoiding many mistakes when we risk creating Japanese sentences.

Learn about basic Japanese grammar

As everyone can already imagine, to speak Japanese it is not necessary to know Japanese grammar well, on the other hand you need to know the basics about it. By understanding the essential japanese grammar, you will be able to know how to ask questions in japanese, exclamations and emphasize your sentences.

Another important point is to know the basic particles in japanese. As Japanese particles make sense of the parts of a sentence, playing a role similar to our conjunctions and prepositions, they become fundamental to form a sentence with logical meaning and to express itself correctly.

Finally, come the Japanese verbs. Without them it would be impossible to form Japanese sentences with a complete meaning. Mainly phrases that demand some kind of action.

See too:
Studying Japanese Fixed Expressions
Download free book to learn Japanese

When I talk about meeting the japanese verbs, I am saying that it is necessary to have knowledge of their verb conjugations as well. Also, learn to use the auxiliary verb DESU it is also fundamental.

Site Resources for Learning Japanese Grammar

For those just learning Japanese, we have a free basic japanese course, with the aim of helping Japanese students gain basic vocabulary and essential knowledge of Japanese grammar. Below is the link to the main page of the Japanese course:

Free Japanese Course - Study Guide

Regarding Japanese particles, there are many articles on the site talking about each of the particles and their various functions. All objectively and with practical examples. just access the menu Japanese particles on the right side menu of the site called Categories.

When I finish writing about the most common particles in the Japanese language, I plan to create a particle dictionary, referencing all the articles I've written on the subject.

Acquire an initial Japanese vocabulary

Before starting to form sentences in Japanese, it is necessary to have something to say. This means that we need to know a set of Japanese words and then start creating our own sentences.

What you can do is list a set of the words you use most in Portuguese. Then look for their equivalent in a japanese dictionary.

For those who know a little English, everything is easier. You can look up words in the various Japanese-English dictionaries on the internet.

I suggest you start with a few words. Between fifteen and twenty words is an interesting amount to start learning how to form Japanese sentences.

Another important thing for those who want to form sentences in Japanese is knowing how to use basic terms like nouns in japaneseadjectives in japanesejapanese pronouns and adverbs in japanese.

Another good tip is to read a lot of texts in Japanese, even if it ends up requiring the tiring comings and goings to the Japanese dictionary. A good place to get free Japanese texts is the LingQ.

Japanese phrase patterns

After you've gone through and studied the subjects of the previous two topics, you should have noticed some Japanese sentence patterns.

And this is very good! Now, it's time to learn one more Japanese language secret about word order in a Japanese sentence.

Most authors stick to mentioning simple patterns like subject + object + verb or known pattern A wa B desu.

But after some time living with the Japanese language, we realized that Japanese sentence patterns go well beyond that.

If we tried to create a complete pattern, but without taking into account conjunctions or particles turning two sentences into one, we would have something like:

[subject or topic] + [time references] + [place] + [object] + [verb]



Me wa today library in Japanese wo studying

I'm going to study Japanese at the library today.



Me wa every day 08:00 hours fat House he come back.

I come back for home every day around eight o'clock.


Can you identify all parts of the above sentences?

Since Japanese sentences are very flexible, we can remove many of the parts of a sentence, such as time references and place creating sentences in style subject + object + verb.

On the other hand, we can also add more elements like adjectives, which were not mentioned in the example above.



Me wa usually/often school he red car in go.

I usually go to school in/in a red car.


Despite being somewhat complex from a grammatical point of view, creating Japanese sentences in practice is quite easy. I hope I cleared it up and didn't cause any more confusion in your minds.

One piece of advice I give is: Don't get hung up on Japanese grammar or word order in sentences.

The important thing is to have a basic knowledge of the subject and have a lot of contact with the Japanese language to learn how to form sentences in Japanese.

Reading and writing a lot, we can identify many patterns to form Japanese sentences in a simpler natural way.

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